Type XX people are aware of the Replica Chopard watches artistic value and collection value, buying suit. In a relatively long period of time, the buyer can only use a maximum price to buy shops have had to face in the table only buy. This table, I have been optimistic. Back when a news article reads: "Daytona with copper ratio, it is a little expensive; but it has a unique fly timing functions, but the table Bao-ji!" The latest generation of Type XX, is the Transatlantique. The name, which mark the cross-Atlantic, as well as in Vietnam two maiden voyage from Paris to New York. Of these two great epoch voyage, from the Breguet biplane to the question mark. Therefore, some limited production Transatlantique watch, accompanied by exquisite doubt airplane model number, you can see the body of a big question mark. The Aeronavale build on the success, Transatlantique added at the 6 o'clock position of the calendar window. Calendar instructions for some friends, is quite important, and some Replica Chopard watches people said to me, no do not buy the calendar table. To be honest, I do not own the calendar on that interest, and even some children to feel helpless in the visual balance. However, there are many kinds of metal Transatlantique version, there are many beautiful and have told me Xin Jing shake the succes. This way, I can not exercise self-restraint to want to have a few of them. I am opposed to "Yimaoquren miss Ziyu," was the charm of the United States makes the world of life are a little more hope!
Second-generation Type XX, introduced in the late seventies, began to enter the mass market. But frankly speaking, in that era was not successful. Perhaps such a model, only the practical side for aviation personnel. I remember back in the late eighties a large number of collection watches a time when the United States, a home is still well-known second-hand shops to see a table, only bid 150. Type XX Replica Chopard watches reputation renewed, resulting from Antiquorum's "Breguet of the art" after the auction. Auction house to give it a little bit crazy I think that set the high-valuation (its impact may be subject to 150 U.S. dollars), and finally was several times higher than the valuation of the silver yards deal. In my impression, this table the highest bid in the future nearly hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. I'll be picking up a bargain, they have thirty or forty thousand. The auction, so that replica Breguet became an instant high-priced watch market in the firm a seat position, so I have a surprise. Sotheby's in New York before, I had bought two thousand dollars less than 18K gold bag table, only white face there is a dynamic storage Replica Chopard watches instructions on the 8th West End (in fact I felt light of its price is over 1000 U.S. dollars) and the other is just the very thin thickness of only about 2mm Breguet. In the "art of Breguet": the auction, there are two exactly the same success with the latter sold at prices between HK Qi Bawan actually are. Third-generation Type XX was introduced in 1995, named Aeronavale, quickly become very popular.