In French, this function is Replica Audemars Piguet watches called retour en vol. Just pressing a button, the time axis indicator will immediately fly back to the starting point for beginning the next time, than most time-table according to the three step button is much easier. This complex design, even after half a century, and only Breguet, Blancpain, Zenith, and Amy four plants are doing. Type XX watch the French government to control is very strict. Each year, these tables to be recovered grease once. Choice of maintenance organizations, an official in Takaoka Byzantine clock operation control center, or to entrust Dodane watch factory. Choose the latter reason, I think it is also right in the middle of the watch factory Byzantine Gang. Later, Dodane also used Valjoux720 armed core has done a named Type 21 Air time table was a small amount of use of NATO air forces. However, this is Replica Audemars Piguet watches beside the point, not much writing. Grease after testing the Breguet watches will be engraved in the table at the end of FG and the date numbers. FG is the French Fin de Grantie acronym, which means the end of the maintenance date. In the digital designated days, was sent back to grease. The early nineties, I bought a number of early models very early in 5101/54, the above lines will be engraved with a number of FG figures, so that the table at the end of almost nowhere to be engraved. This watch was published in my first monograph of this watch "list by" on. For many years, and passed, numerous tables, but the next has never been able to forget it.
Well-known aviation watch TypeXX (20) is a Breguet cited the great pride of creation. After the war, the French Minister of Defense decided to give the Air Force regiment's elite dispensing a precise time-table, these elite, including air testing center as well as the Mirage F1, Jaguar, Mirage, 5G and other units. To this end, the Ministry of Defense specifically laid down in the specifications of the table, the main are the following:Fly-style timed with a pointer Dynamic storage more than 35 Xiaoshi With error of less than 8 seconds per day accuracy Timing devices for more than 300 times Replica Audemars Piguet watches per day can not be any problem Breguet 1935 the company produced the first time only to watch the production, based on completed according to specifications the design of this table, and named TypeXX. This name, believed to be caused by the post-war era pilots are memories of the war set. Clandestine production of the first table, in 1950, the French technical center to be recognized. In 1954 to the seventies, TypeXX a French Air Force, Naval Air Test Center as well as the prevailing force of the designation of dollars. These tables are the Replica Audemars Piguet watches property of the state, only the pilot in the implementation of tasks of particular importance to wear, so quantity is not too much. TypeXX performance, outstanding. It is dumb to use a black succes, large luminous numbers and hands, rotating the outer ring, of course, including the pilots are extremely important in terms of a function by returning starter.